This article lists 42 products that may not be essential but can address life's minor annoyances. The items are curated for their extra usefulness and can help improve daily living.

Title: 42 Useless Products That Will Cost You Money for No Reason Welcome to the world of overpriced and unnecessary products that claim to solve life's little annoyances. We have compiled a list of 42 useless products that will leave you questioning why you ever thought you needed them in the first place. 1. Banana slicer - because slicing a banana with a knife is just too darn hard. 2. Pet nail polish - because Fido needs to be fashionable. 3. Avocado saver - because letting half an avocado go bad is just unacceptable. 4. Handerpants - yes, you read that right. Underwear for your hands. We could go on, but you get the gist. These products are extra in every sense of the word. And yet, they somehow manage to sell like hotcakes. But don't worry, if you're in the market for useless and overpriced products, we've got you covered. Our list has everything from a $150 desktop caviar bar to a $10,000 gold-plated bicycle. Because who wouldn't want to ride around on a bike worth more than their car? In all seriousness though, save your money. Life's little annoyances can be solved with some creativity and ingenuity. You don't need a specialized tool for every task. So let's all step away from the unnecessary and invest in products that actually provide value.

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