"Growing up with brothers isn't for the weak." BuzzFeed asks women who grew up with brothers to share their "that's so unfair" moments.

Title: The Joy of Growing Up with Brothers: Unfair Moments That Make You Stronger Growing up with brothers can be tough, but it's also an experience that makes us stronger. There are plenty of "That's So Unfair" moments that we've all gone through, but let's face it, they've all helped us grow into tough and resilient women. Remember that time your brother got to stay out late but you had to be home by 8 pm? Or the time he got a car for his 16th birthday while you had to settle for a bike? Or how about when he got the bigger bedroom with the en-suite bathroom, and you were stuck sharing a tiny room with your annoying little sister? These are all prime examples of unfair moments that we've all experienced growing up with brothers. But instead of dwelling on them and feeling sorry for ourselves, let's embrace them and be thankful for the life lessons they taught us. They taught us to be tough and stand up for ourselves, to negotiate for what we want, and to never give up. They taught us to be competitive and strive to be the best we can be. They taught us to be independent and not rely on anyone else to make things happen for us. So, to all the women out there who grew up with brothers and had their fair share of "That's So Unfair" moments, let's raise our glasses to them. They may have been frustrating at the time, but they helped shape us into the strong, independent women we are today.

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