The BuzzFeed article discusses how people know it's time to quit their job by sharing Taylor Swift's wise words. The article asks readers to share their work situations that made them feel "over it" and ultimately led them to quit their job.

Title: "Good Riddance: Why Quitting Your Job May Be The Best Thing You Ever Do" We've all been there. The job that starts off with so much promise, the one that you were so excited to start, quickly turns into a nightmare. Maybe it was the demanding boss, the toxic co-workers, or the endless mind-numbing tasks that made you feel like a robot. Whatever it was, you finally hit your breaking point. You couldn't take it anymore and decided to quit. But let's be real here, walking out of that job was the best decision you ever made. You may have felt guilty, scared, or nervous at the time, but trust us, you did the right thing. Just think about it. No more early morning commutes, no more sitting in a cubicle all day, and no more feeling like a cog in a machine. You're free! Sure, some people may judge you for quitting without having another job lined up, but who cares? You're living for you now, not for them. And if you're worried about money, there are plenty of ways to make ends meet while you figure out your next move. You can start freelancing, start a side hustle, or even work a part-time job. The possibilities are endless. So, if you're feeling over it and thinking about quitting your job, just remember that there's a whole world of possibilities waiting for you on the other side. Trust your gut and take that leap of faith. You'll thank yourself later.

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