"Growing up with brothers isn't for the weak" - BuzzFeed asks women who have grown up with brothers about their experiences and their "that's so unfair" moments.

Title: The Perks of Growing Up With Brothers: Endless "That's So Unfair" Moments Growing up with brothers, hmmm, where do we even begin? It's like living in a jungle with a bunch of wild animals, except they're family. They never fail to make life exciting, whether you want it to be or not. And if you're a woman who grew up with brothers, you've probably had countless "that's so unfair" moments. Let's relive some of the most memorable ones, shall we? Remember when you were grounded for a week for forgetting to do the dishes, but your brother got away with leaving his dirty laundry all over the floor? Or how about when you had to clean your room every Saturday morning, but your brothers got to sleep in until noon? Oh, and let's not forget about the time they got the newest PlayStation for Christmas, but you only got a pair of socks and a book. How thrilling. But really, who needs equal treatment when you can have endless opportunities to practice your eye-rolling and complaining skills? It's almost like a sport, trying to keep up with all the injustices your brothers get away with. And let's not forget the constant reminders of how lucky you are to have siblings. "But they love you!" Yeah, right. All jokes aside though, growing up with brothers can be tough, but it's also pretty darn special. You have a built-in support system (even if they don't always show it), and countless memories to look back on. So, the next time you catch yourself shaking your head and muttering "that's so unfair," just remember all the good that came with growing up with your brothers. And maybe, just maybe, let them win once in a while on the PlayStation.

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