"BuzzFeed asks women who grew up with brothers to share their 'That's So Unfair' moment. Growing up with brothers isn't easy." (32 words)

Title: The joys of growing up with brothers - "That's so unfair" moments for women Growing up with brothers is such a joyous experience for women, especially when it comes to dealing with moments when we say "That's so unfair." Here are some relatable moments that you've probably faced if you're a woman who grew up with brothers. 1. "But he's a boy, let him do it": This phrase is probably the most commonly used one in houses where boys and girls coexist. Be it lifting heavy boxes, going out late or even sitting in the front seat of a car, these privileges are offered to our brothers without much argument, because, well, they're boys. 2. The extra meal entitlement: It's no secret that boys have a massive appetite, but that doesn't mean our mothers need to add an extra spoonful of rice to their plates every day. But, as always, it's just another one of those things we need to live with. 3. "Boys will be boys" is never in our favour: When our brothers do something mischievous or stupid, they get away with it because it's a part of their nature. However, when we do the same, it's a different story altogether. Who said equal treatment was essential, right? 4. Divide and conquer: If there's something special, we both want, but there's only one of it, you can already guess who's at a higher probability of getting it - our brothers. This phenomenon is called divide and conquer, and, as the name suggests, there's not much us girls can do about it. 5. We can't even pee without an audience: Yes, we all know the struggle of finding a decent bathroom with brothers (or any men, for that matter) around. I mean, who doesn't love having an audience while they're conducting their business? It's all good fun, right? So, there you have it, ladies. These are just a few moments that we've all probably experienced growing up with brothers. But, as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So here's to all those "That's so unfair" moments that made us the strong, independent women we are today.

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