BuzzFeed is asking readers to share their favorite recipes that cost less than $10, despite inflation. The post provides a link for readers to submit their recipes.

Title: Inflation-Proof Recipes: My Wallet is Still Crying It's a tough time to be a foodie on a budget. With inflation on the rise, it seems like every quinoa grain and avo slice is an extra few cents. I used to think I could whip up a tasty and affordable meal with a few pantry staples, but now I can't even afford the pantry. So when I see articles claiming to have recipes that will "fill you up for less than $10," forgive me for being skeptical. Do these people not know the price of groceries these days? Or are they just pretending, like some kind of bizarre foodie flex? I mean, sure, I could make a cup of microwave noodles and call it a day. But that's not exactly a gourmet feast. And let's be real, with the price of electricity these days, that's probably not even under $10. Maybe I'm just bitter. But the next time I see someone claiming to have a magically cheap and delicious recipe, I'm going to need a full itemized receipt. Because I don't believe in unicorns, and I don't believe in cheap food.

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