The article on BuzzFeed asks readers to share their work situations that led to quitting their job, citing Taylor Swift's quote, "You know in your soul when it's time to go."

Title: "Breaking Up With Your Job: How Bad Was It Really?" We've all been there. Tossing and turning in bed at night, dreading the upcoming work week. That one coworker who always leaves their dirty dishes in the sink. The never-ending pile of paperwork. But when does "bad" turn into "over it"? For me, it was the time my boss asked me to come in on a Saturday without any warning. They wanted me to work on a project that could have waited until Monday, and they didn't even offer any compensation or appreciation for my time. That was it. I was officially "over it". But let's be real, there are probably some of you out there with much worse stories. Maybe you had to deal with a boss who constantly belittled you or a coworker who stole your lunch from the break room fridge. Or maybe it was just the endless monotony of doing the same tasks day in and day out. Whatever it was, you knew in your heart that it was time to move on. And kudos to you for recognizing your worth and standing up for yourself. Because honestly, life is too short to waste time in a job that doesn't appreciate you or make you happy. So here's to all the bad bosses, annoying coworkers, and mind-numbing tasks that made us finally say "I'm over it". And to all the people out there who are still waiting for that moment, remember Taylor Swift's words: "You know in your soul when it's time to go."

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