The Word of the Day is "relegate," which has appeared in 23 articles on in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

Title: Rise Above the Trap of Being Relegated in Life Today's word of the day is "relegate" - a word that signifies a fate worse than death: relegation to the sidelines, relegated to a lesser category, or being sent into obscurity. But who determines this relegation and why does it happen? Is it pre-ordained, or is it a consequence of our own actions or lack thereof? Truth be told, we are often the ones who hold ourselves back, relegating ourselves to the background by settling for mediocrity. We settle for a less than admirable job, an unfulfilling relationship, or an unhealthy lifestyle. We tell ourselves that we are comfortable where we are and that change is too difficult or scary. Or maybe we believe that we are not deserving, that others are more talented and more worthy than we are. But this is a trap - a trap that leads to regret and missed opportunities. It is time to break free and rise above the trap of relegation. We can do this by taking small steps towards our goals, by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and embracing the unknown. We can surround ourselves with positive influences and people who support and encourage our growth. We can challenge the negative self-talk that tells us we are not good enough and replace it with positive affirmations. Let us not be relegated to a life of mediocrity but instead strive for greatness. Let us break free from the chains that hold us back and reach for the stars. It's time to take charge of our lives and create the future we deserve. So, the next time you hear the word "relegate," instead of being filled with fear, let it be a reminder of the power we hold to shape our destiny. Let us rise above the trap of being relegated in life and live life to its fullest. This word has appeared in 23 articles on in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?

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