Flooding in Tumon, Guam captured on video. Published on May 25, 2023, via NYT U.S. video.

Title: The Sobering Truth about Disasters and Climate Change Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and deadlier than ever before, and the harsh truth is that we are to blame. Climate change is not a myth that we can ignore. It's a problem that we need to address immediately. The recent flooding in Tumon, Guam, is just one example of the devastating effects of global warming. According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the frequency of intense storms has been increasing steadily in recent years. Rising sea levels caused by global warming make flooding worse during storms. This means that coastal areas around the world are vulnerable to increased flooding and damage to infrastructure. The effects of climate change do not only bring devastation and displacement but also economic impacts. Natural disasters can cause a significant financial strain on countries that have to repair or replace infrastructure and compensate for loss of life and revenue. Though some argue that investing in climate change prevention comes with a high cost, it will be far more expensive in the long term to ignore the issue. The recent flooding in Tumon, Guam, highlights the sobering truth that the world must take action to address climate change. The people affected by these disasters are our friends, family, and fellow human beings. It is our responsibility to take care of the earth and ensure that future generations can live in a safe environment. We must immediately reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming by investing in clean energy, as well as making lifestyle changes, such as reducing our reliance on single-use plastics and cutting down on transportation emissions. Every action we take, no matter how small, will have an impact. In conclusion, the recent flooding in Tumon, Guam, serves as a wake-up call to the world that climate change is a problem that we cannot ignore any longer. We need to take action and make significant changes to our lifestyles and business practices to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of global warming. Our planet, our people, and our economy depend on it. Flooded streets in Tumon, Guam, on Thursday.

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