The BuzzFeed article asks women to share their experiences of unfair treatment growing up with brothers in a brief summary of 50 words or less.

Title: The Joy of Growing Up with Brothers: Where Unfairness is the Norm Ah, the joys of growing up with brothers. There's nothing quite like it, is there? The constant teasing, the wrestling matches that ended in tears, and those moments where you thought, "That's so unfair" - it's all part of the package. But isn't it just hilarious how our society seems to think that growing up with brothers is some sort of privilege? It's like a badge of honor that we should all aspire to have, regardless of the constant chaos and tears that come with it. Let's get real here. If you're a woman who grew up with brothers, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. The unfair moments that stick with you like a bad rash. The moments where you cried yourself to sleep because you were convinced that life was just not fair. Maybe it was the time when your brother got away with breaking your favorite toy because, hey, boys will be boys, right? Or maybe it was when they got praised for getting a B in school, while you got a C, because, well, boys are just naturally better at math and science. And let's not forget the endless jokes and jabs at your appearance. You know, because there's nothing funnier than making fun of a young girl's looks. But no, let's all continue to romanticize the idea of growing up with brothers. It's all sunshine and rainbows, right? Wrong. So, here's to all the women who grew up with brothers and survived. We know the struggles, and we're here to tell the tale. But hey, at least we learned how to fight back and hold our own. And for that, we can thank our dear brothers for their unfair treatment.

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