Buzzfeed asks people with "unusual jobs" to share their experience and how they made money. The article highlights the creative ways people have earned a living to survive.

Title: "Making a Living in the Absurd: Tales of Unusual Jobs" So, you want to hear my experience working an "unusual" job? Well, aren't you just curious! Let me tell you, making money when your job is not readily accepted by society can be quite the challenge. But hey, what's a little stigma between you and a paycheck? I once worked as a professional cuddler. That's right, you read that correctly. I got paid to snuggle with complete strangers. Now, I know what you might be thinking - "How creepy!" - but let me assure you, it was nothing but pure platonic bliss. Or at least, that's what I told my parents when they asked what I did for a living. Now, let's talk about the money. The hourly rate was not bad, but the real kicker was getting repeat clients. You know you're good at your job when people keep coming back for more. And boy, did they come back. It was like being a human teddy bear. I'd wrap my arms around them and they'd melt into a ball of relaxation. But let's not forget about the occasional weirdo or two. There were definitely a few clients that made me question my career choices. Like the guy who insisted on dressing up like a baby and wanted me to be his mommy. Yeah, that was a hard pass. So, to answer your question, making money from an unusual job can be a mixed bag. It can be rewarding, it can be strange, and it can certainly be lucrative. But hey, as long as there are people willing to pay for a service, there will always be someone willing to provide it. After all, we've all got bills to pay and dreams to chase. Cheers to the absurdity of it all!

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