The article titled "He Was Insufferable" features a list of 26 terrible housemates and their atrocious living habits that made sharing a space with them unbearable, including walking around naked and being loud and rude.

Title: "He Was Insufferable": Nightmares of Living With Terrible Housemates Living with roommates is a balancing act – you want to find someone who is compatible with your lifestyle, respectful of your space, and who won't drive you up the wall. But unfortunately, not every living situation is ideal. In fact, some housemates can be downright insufferable. Take, for example, the 26 terrible housemates featured on BuzzFeed's latest post. From leaving dirty dishes in the sink for days on end to playing music at all hours of the night, these individuals made living with them a nightmare. And that's not even the worst of it. There were the ones who stole food from their roommates' shelves, the ones who never paid rent on time, and the ones who would invite strangers over for parties without warning anyone else. And then there were the naked ones. Yes, you read that right. Apparently, some people felt it was perfectly acceptable to sit at the communal table completely in the nude. Just when you thought living with strangers couldn't get any worse, there's that. But why stop there? Let's not forget about the housemates who refused to clean up after their pets, the ones who left the thermostat at an unbearable temperature, and the ones who were perpetually late with the rent. All in all, living with any of these people would have been an absolute nightmare. So what's the lesson to be learned here? When looking for a roommate, make sure you thoroughly vet them before signing any leases. Or better yet, just live alone. Because if these 26 housemates are any indication, some people really aren't meant to share living spaces with others.

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