"Growing up with brothers isn't for the weak." BuzzFeed's latest article asks women to share their "That's So Unfair" moment growing up with brothers.

Title: The Ongoing Saga of Unfairness for Women with Brothers Growing up with brothers can be a challenge, but it can also come with a plethora of "That's so unfair" moments. From missing out on ice cream to being stuck with the worst chores, it seems like the world is against us. However, it's not just us. Many women who have grown up with brothers have faced similar issues. Let's dive into some of these real-life stories and find solace in the fact that we're not alone. One woman, who wishes to remain nameless, recalls her brother always getting the best of everything. "He would always get the biggest piece of cake, the nicer toys, and even the top bunk bed. How is that fair?" she exclaims. It's not just a matter of material possessions either. "My brother never had to do any of the chores because it was a 'boy's job'," she continues. "Meanwhile, I was stuck cleaning the dishes and sweeping the floors every night." Another woman, who we will call Jane, remembers being told that she couldn't play certain sports because she was a girl. "My dad would always take my brother to play basketball, football, and other sports while I was stuck at home. I loved sports, but I was never allowed to play because it wasn't 'ladylike'," she recalls. "It wasn't until I was older and moved out that I started playing sports on my own." It's clear that these unfair moments stick with us, even into adulthood. But why is it still happening? Why are brothers getting away with it? "It's just how it's always been," says one mother who has both a son and a daughter. "Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls. It's not like they are doing it intentionally." But is that really an excuse? It's time to start challenging these gender norms and creating a more equal playing field. In conclusion, if you're a woman who grew up with brothers, you're not alone in your struggles with unfairness. But it's important to remember that we don't have to accept it as the norm. By speaking up and challenging these unfair moments, we can start to make a change and create a world where everyone is treated equally.

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