The article provides 17 dating app red and green flags, as shared by someone who has been single for a long time. The post also includes a humorous comment about liking pineapple on pizza.

Title: The Ultimate Guide to Dating App Red Flags and Green Flags: Because Being Single is So Much Fun Ah, dating apps. The world of swiping left and right, endless small talk, and ghosting. What could be more exciting? As someone who has unfortunately been single long enough to know these things, I present to you my ultimate guide to dating app red flags and green flags. Red Flags: 1. The first picture is of them posing with a sedated tiger. Because nothing screams "mate material" quite like animal exploitation. 2. Their bio mentions their astrology sign as a major personality trait. Sure, let the alignment of the stars dictate your compatibility. 3. They message you with "hey" and nothing else. Wow, I'm really getting to know you. 4. They use an excessive amount of emojis. Because nothing says "I'm emotionally mature" like a string of hearts and laughing faces. 5. All of their pictures are group photos, leaving you wondering which one is actually them. Surprise, it's the one you're least attracted to. 6. They immediately ask for your Snapchat or Instagram. Because who needs privacy or trust in a relationship? 7. Their bio is full of negativity and demands. Yes, I'm sure you'll find your dream partner by slandering the entire gender. Green Flags: 1. They have a clear and concise bio, showcasing their interests and personality. What a concept. 2. They ask thoughtful questions and engage in actual conversation. Wow, they're treating you like a human being. 3. They have a mix of solo and group photos, showing that they have friends and a life outside of the app. Revolutionary. 4. They respect your boundaries and don't pressure you to meet up right away. Maybe they actually want to get to know you first. 5. They have a sense of humor and can make you laugh. Looks fade, but sarcasm is forever. 6. They don't take themselves too seriously and are open to trying new things. Flexibility is key. 7. They use correct grammar and spelling. Because intelligence is attractive. So there you have it, the ultimate guide to dating app red flags and green flags. Just remember, being single is a blast and the right person will come along when you least expect it. Or at least that's what we keep telling ourselves. Happy swiping!

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