The article from BuzzFeed asks women who grew up with brothers to share their "That's so unfair" moment. It highlights the challenges and injustices that sisters may have faced while growing up with brothers.

Title: The Joys of Growing Up with Brothers: What's Your Favorite "That's So Unfair" Moment? Growing up with brothers is a unique experience that only a select few can understand. As a lucky woman who grew up with brothers, I know firsthand the joys and challenges that come with having male siblings. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with the endless "that's so unfair" moments that arise from having brothers who seem to get away with murder while you have to follow all the rules. For me, the "that's so unfair" moment that stands out the most is when my brothers didn't have to do any of the chores, but I was expected to do them all. I mean, seriously? We're all living in the same house, why am I the one who has to vacuum, clean the bathrooms, and do the laundry? Meanwhile, my brothers got to sit around playing video games without a care in the world. It was enough to make me want to pull my hair out. And don't even get me started on how they always seemed to get away with breaking the rules. Whether it was staying out past curfew, drinking beer when they were still underage, or sneaking out of the house, my brothers always seemed to be able to do whatever they wanted without consequence. Meanwhile, I had to follow all the rules and suffer the consequences if I didn't. But you know what? Despite all the "that's so unfair" moments, growing up with brothers was still one of the best experiences of my life. It taught me to stand up for myself, to be tough, and to never back down from a challenge. So, to all the women out there who grew up with brothers, what was your favorite "that's so unfair" moment? Share it in the comments and let's commiserate together.

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