Title: "Force of Circumstance": A Casablanca Story in the Heart of East Village The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is set to stage a limited engagement of Liza Béar's deadpan anti-thriller, "Force of Circumstance," set in the heart of East Village. The film's storyline traces the plot of the blockbuster movie Casablanca, but with a New York twist. "Force of Circumstance" transports the audience to a time when New York was grittier and less gentrified, and the East Village was a maze of abandoned buildings and shadowy alleyways. The film features a group of renegade artists who set out on a mission to make East Village the new Casablanca, with their obscure nightclub, "Café L'Amour," serving as the film's central location. The film director uses clever visual images, and the dialogue is crisp and pun-laden, giving the film its sharp wit. The casework of this film perfectly reflects the changing sociopolitical tides of the region, making it a must-see masterpiece. As an art enthusiast and film critic, I am delighted to know that the film is returning to the theaters, giving old fans a chance to relive the essence of the East Village of the past, and new audiences to revel in the movie's satire and wit. The film's storyline poignantly captures the spirit of a time and place that has now vanished, and the significance of the location where the film is set is a fitting tribute to the East Village's legacy. In conclusion, MoMA's limited engagement of "Force of Circumstance" is an exceptional opportunity for movie-lovers to experience Liza Béar's unique perspective on the Casablanca in New York. With a brilliant storyline, witty dialogue, and inspired performances, this film is a true masterpiece. Liza Béar's deadpan anti-thriller returns to the Museum of Modern Art for a limited engagement.