Title: George Washington University Takes a Bold Step in Dropping Colonial Moniker On May 24, 2023, George Washington University made a powerful move by dropping its colonial moniker due to criticism of its association with violence towards Native Americans and other oppressed groups. This decision demonstrates the university's commitment to ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students and faculty. Although this change may come as a surprise to some, it was necessary in acknowledging the troubling history associated with colonialism and the impact it has had on various communities. The decision to drop such a nickname is not an act of erasing history, but rather an important step towards acknowledging the harm that has been caused as a result of such oppressive systems. This move serves as an example for other institutions to follow in recognizing and addressing the systemic issues that have plagued our society and continue to do so. It is essential that we work towards creating a more equitable and just society, and this change serves as a testament to the commitment of George Washington University in doing just that. In conclusion, the decision made by George Washington University in dropping their colonial moniker should be seen as a bold step towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. It is essential that we recognize the impact of oppressive systems and work towards creating a society that values the diversity and experiences of all individuals. We should applaud the university's decision and use it as an example for other institutions that have yet to take such steps towards progress and equity. The move comes after criticism of the team's nickname because of its association with violence toward Native Americans and other colonized people.