Title: The Fearless Eliminators: Words That Didn't Stand a Chance in This Year's Bee It's that time of the year again where students from all over the United States gather to put their spelling skills to the test at the Scripps Spelling Bee. As usual, the competition was fierce, and the words were unforgiving. But there were some words that stood no chance against these cunning spellers. Here are a few of the fearless eliminators from this year's Bee: 1. Koinonia This word might be a simple seven-letter word, but it proved to be too much for some of our contestants. Koinonia, meaning "fellowship" or "community," was enough to eliminate some of the very best spellers. 2. Triskelion With its complex pronunciation and lengthy ten-letter spelling, it's no wonder that this word proved to be a tough one. Triskelion, meaning "an ancient symbol consisting of three spirals," was definitely not for the faint-hearted spellers. 3. Narcolepsy It may have just nine letters, but this word was a real sleep-inducer for some contestants. Narcolepsy, meaning "a chronic neurological disorder," caused the downfall of more than one hopeful. 4. Quandamooka This indigenous Australian word consisting of twelve letters and meaning "encircling ocean" was enough to cause some serious trouble for the Bee's top spellers. 5. Zemindary With its unusual spelling and complex pronunciation, Zemindary, meaning "a type of land ownership in colonial India," was a stumper for many contestants. There you have it, folks, some of the fearless eliminators from this year's Scripps Spelling Bee. These words may have caused frustration and disappointment, but they will always be remembered by those who had the guts to compete. Until next year, when we'll see what new challenges the Spelling Bee has in store.