This is a correction notice published on June 4, 2023, by an unknown author in The New York Times. It mentions corrections that were previously printed in the paper. The corrections can be found on the NYT Corrections website.

Title: The Power of Being Undefined Have you ever felt trapped by labels and expectations? Do you constantly find yourself trying to fit into a specific mold or category? Well, it's time to break free from the constraints of definition and embrace the power of being undefined. Society loves to label us. From our career paths to our personal identities, there's a label for everything. We are told that we need to fit into a certain box to be accepted and successful. But what if we don't fit into any of those boxes? What if we refuse to be defined by others and instead define ourselves on our own terms? Being undefined means having the freedom to explore different paths and options without feeling limited by societal expectations. It means embracing our unique qualities and quirks that make us who we are, instead of conforming to what others believe we should be. One of the most powerful aspects of being undefined is the ability to continuously grow and evolve. When we are not bound by labels and definitions, we are free to change and adapt as we see fit. We can pursue different interests and passions without feeling guilty or like we're straying off course. So, how do we embrace being undefined? Start by letting go of the need to fit into a specific mold or label. Instead, focus on your individuality and embrace your quirks and differences. Allow yourself to take risks and pursue your passions, even if they don't fit into traditional expectations. Remember, being undefined is not a weakness- it's a strength. It means having the ability to adapt, grow, and break free from constraints. So, don't be afraid to embrace the power of being undefined and define yourself on your own terms. Corrections that appeared in print on Sunday, June 4, 2023.

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