The debt-limit deal contains important components that are missing from its text according to a report.

Title: Don't be fooled: Why some key parts of the debt-limit deal are missing in its text As the news of the debt-limit deal broke, many breathed a sigh of relief that the government would not default on its debts. However, what many failed to realize is that some crucial parts of the deal were not included in the text. This is a concerning development that must be addressed. For starters, the deal does not specify how the government plans to pay off its debts in the long term. It simply gives a short-term fix that will only last a few months. It is clear that this is not a sustainable solution, and it begs the question: how do we plan to solve this problem in the long term? Another concerning omission is the lack of provisions for dealing with future debt-ceiling crises. It is important for the government to have a plan in place to deal with such situations, as they are likely to occur in the future. Failure to do so may result in irreparable harm to the economy. Finally, the deal fails to address the issue of government spending. While it is understandable that the government needs to spend money to function, it is important to have a plan in place to curtail spending when necessary. Without such a plan, we risk going deeper into debt and placing an unnecessary burden on future generations. In conclusion, the debt-limit deal may seem like a step in the right direction, but the missing provisions are a cause for concern. It is imperative that we demand more transparency from our government and that we hold them accountable for their actions. After all, we are the ones who will pay the price if they continue to kick the can down the road.

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