"The Boogeyman" is a horror movie that revolves around a family mourning the loss of their loved one, who is being terrorized by a mysterious monster. The movie, which The New York Times describes as frustratingly coy, was released on June 1, 2023.

Title: "Unleashing the Dread: A Review of The Boogeyman" If you're in the mood for a spine-chilling horror movie, "The Boogeyman" may have caught your attention. But let me tell you, this movie is not for the faint-hearted. From the very start, it unleashes a sense of dread that lingers throughout the film. The story revolves around a family that is haunted by an inexplicable, supernatural force. For them, the boogeyman is not just a figment of their imagination. The terror they experience is real, and it forces them to confront their deepest fears. The film takes a frustratingly coy approach to the horror genre, and its reluctance to explicitly show the boogeyman only adds to the overall creepiness. Instead of relying on cheap jump scares and gore, "The Boogeyman" creates a constant sense of unease through its slow-burn storytelling and tension. Director Jeannette Catsoulis has done an excellent job of playing with the audience's fears. She uses the camera angles, lighting, and sound effects to amplify the horror. The actors' performances also deserve a special mention, especially the child actors who have delivered some spine-chilling moments. However, "The Boogeyman" leaves a lot of unanswered questions, which might be off-putting for some viewers. The movie tries to keep the audience guessing, but the ambiguity might feel like a cop-out to others. Overall, "The Boogeyman" is a well-made horror movie that is not for everyone. It's a slow-burn experience that amplifies dread and leaves the audience guessing until the end. If you're looking for a film that will leave you feeling uneasy, then "The Boogeyman" is worth a watch. But beware, once you unleash the dread, there's no going back. A bereaved family is plagued by a supernatural killer in this frustratingly coy horror movie.

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