Title: The Unwavering Gun Culture in Serbia: A Threat to Public Safety As the world grapples with the recurring horror of mass shootings, Serbia has too had its share of tragedies. In the aftermath of the recent massacres, the government has moved to tighten already strict gun control laws. However, the prevalent gun culture in the country has made it difficult for such measures to effectively curb gun violence. The deep-rooted and complex gun culture in Serbia is motivated by different factors such as national pride, self-defense, and hunting. To many Serbians, owning a gun is a symbol of their identity, and they view any attempt to strip them of this right as an infringement on their liberty. Undoubtedly, stricter gun laws may reduce the number of guns in circulation, but it cannot change the mindset of the people that have grown accustomed to the notion that a gun is essential for their protection. Even with the tightening of gun control laws, the rampant black market and smuggling of weapons make it easy for guns to end up in the hands of criminals and those with malicious intent. The government needs to understand that curbing the gun culture in Serbia is a long-term solution that requires a multi-faceted approach. Education and strict law enforcement are critical measures towards achieving this goal. The government must also prioritize effective regulations on gun ownership and the sale of firearms. In conclusion, Serbia must not turn a blind eye to the fatal consequences of its gun culture. It is time for the government to take practical steps towards addressing this issue. Failure to act will only result in more unwarranted deaths and a cocktail of irreparable damages to the country's social fabric. It is time for change; it is time for action. Two massacres have prompted the government to tighten already strict rules, but the nation's gun culture is deep-rooted and complex.