No text is provided to summarize in this prompt as it simply provides a link to a video from the New York Times.

Title: The Unforgivable Crime of Undefined Have you ever encountered individuals who lack the ability to define things? It's frustrating to discuss or even argue with someone who cannot explain themselves. Such people have no foundation for their arguments. In other words, their opinions are as insignificant as the wind blowing on a hot day. We live in a world that demands critical thinking and articulacy, yet there are those whose vocabulary is as shallow as a child's. An individual who cannot define things is bound to make mistakes and convolute arguments. They can become a liability to any team or group they are part of. Undefined is the new synonym for ignorance. It is a crime punishable by the loss of respect from peers, colleagues and superiors. In the professional world, an individual who cannot articulate their ideas or communicate effectively is doomed to fail. Undefined thinking is not only a detriment to the person embodying it but also to society as a whole. How can we progress as a society if we haven't defined our problems and agreed on solutions? To avoid the trap of undefined, one must embark on a lifelong journey of education and self-discovery. It is only through seeking answers that one can define any concept fully. To quote Socrates, "An unexamined life is not worth living." Defined individuals are sharp-minded, and their opinions command respect. They can navigate any situation in life with poise and confidence. It's high time we discard undefined thinking and embrace clarity of thought and expression. In conclusion, undefined makes one vulnerable to mistakes and ridicule. In a world that is continuously evolving, undefined thinking can only lead to regression. Let us all strive to be defined individuals and create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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