India has implemented technology to avoid train accidents. However, safety expenses have decreased.

Title: India's Track Safety: Collisions are Avoidable but at a Cost India has always been known for its diverse and vibrant culture, but sadly, it is also known for its fatal train accidents. It was recently reported that India has introduced technology to prevent collisions, however, safety spending has shrunk. With the Indian railway network being the fourth largest in the world, transporting millions of commuters daily, it is quite alarming that the government continues to cut back on safety spending. The introduction of new technology that can prevent train collisions is a step towards progress but it should also be combined with adequate safety spending for the railway network to be deemed as truly safe. A railway collision can cause detrimental harm not only to the passengers but to the railway infrastructure and the economy as a whole. In 2022, a railway collision was reported, causing many lives to be lost and the railway infrastructure left damaged, which resulted in causing inconvenience to many commuters. It is essential to prioritize track safety and not just rely on technology to prevent train collisions. Lack of safety spending on infrastructure maintenance and track replacement is a major factor that continues to risk the lives of many passengers. The Indian government should prioritize the safety of those who use the railway system daily, cutting back on spending should not be the solution to fund new technology. Adequate safety spending should not be compromised as a result of introducing new technology. For a country that prides itself in the advancements it has made when it comes to technology and innovation, it is sad that safety measures are not given the same importance. In conclusion, India has taken the right step in introducing technology to prevent train collisions, however, that is not enough. Safety spending is equally important, and it should not be compromised at the expense of introducing new technology. Prioritizing track safety should be the primary concern of the Indian government. Collisions are avoidable but at a cost, and human lives lost in train accidents is a cost not worth paying.

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