Title: Was "Mongolian Rhapsody" Almost the Name of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"? If you're a fan of Queen, you might be surprised to learn that their iconic song "Bohemian Rhapsody" almost had a different name. According to a first draft written by Freddie Mercury, the title "Mongolian Rhapsody" was a contender. The discovery was made public in a recent article by Alex Marshall in The New York Times. While researching the history of "Bohemian Rhapsody," Marshall found the original draft of the song, in which Mercury had written the words "Mongolian Rhapsody" at the top. It's unclear from the article why Mercury was considering the alternative title, or why he ultimately decided to change it. But the mere fact that "Bohemian Rhapsody" could have been called "Mongolian Rhapsody" adds an interesting layer to the song's history and legacy. Some fans might be surprised to learn that there was ever a question of what to call the song. After all, "Bohemian Rhapsody" has become such an iconic part of Queen's legacy that it's hard to imagine it having any other name. But the fact that Mercury was considering a different title suggests that even he wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to call the song at first. Perhaps "Mongolian Rhapsody" didn't have quite the same ring to it, or perhaps he simply changed his mind. Regardless of why the title was changed, the fact remains that "Bohemian Rhapsody" is now and will always be one of Queen's most beloved and enduring songs. And while "Mongolian Rhapsody" may have been a contender, it's hard to imagine the song being called anything else today. Un primer borrador de la canción escrita por Freddie Mercury, lÃder de Queen, sugiere que llegó a pensar en ponerle otro tÃtulo: "Mongolian Rhapsody".