China is resistant to a thaw in its relations with the Biden administration, refusing a request for a defense meeting and requesting the lifting of sanctions. It appears China aims to dictate terms of re-engagement with the US. The article was published on June 1, 2023, and can be found on NYT World.

Title: Why a 'Thaw' in U.S.-China Relations Seems Highly Unlikely The relationship between China and the United States has never been an easy one. The tensions between the two countries only seem to be heating up, with the recent push by China to set their own terms of engagement with the Biden administration. Despite calls for cooperation, Beijing has made it clear that they intend to stand firm on the issues that matter to them, even rebuffing requests for defense meetings. This has led many to wonder whether a "thaw" in U.S.-China relations is even possible, or if tensions will continue to escalate. The reality is, it seems far-fetched that China and the United States will be able to reach a place of mutual understanding and cooperation any time soon. One of the biggest hurdles to any attempt at a thaw in relations is the issue of sanctions. China has been urging the United States to drop sanctions, which they see as an unfair and unjustified attack on their economy. However, the United States has been unwilling to budge on this issue, citing concerns about China's human rights abuses and other problematic behavior. Another issue is the growing competition between the two countries over a wide range of areas, from trade to technology. As China continues to grow its economy and expand its global reach, the United States feels threatened, which only fuels the tensions further. Both sides are digging in their heels, unwilling to back down or compromise on their positions. Ultimately, it seems that the factors that have led to the current state of affairs in U.S.-China relations are too entrenched to be easily overcome. China is determined to assert itself on the global stage, and the United States is equally determined to hold its ground. Until there is a significant shift in priorities or approaches, a "thaw" in relations seems highly unlikely. Time will tell if either side is willing to make the necessary concessions to move towards a more productive relationship. China has pushed to set the terms of its re-engagement with the Biden administration, rebuffing a request for a defense meeting while urging Washington to drop sanctions.

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