The State Capitol was initially quiet during the Paxton impeachment proceedings according to a May 28, 2023 article from The New York Times.

Title: The Impeachment Saga: A Quiet Scene Turns into a Roaring Revolt As the sun rose above the State Capitol, the scene outside may have seemed quiet and uneventful, but it was the perfect calm before an impending storm. The air was thick with anticipation, as people gathered in groups, voicing their opinions and concerns about the ongoing impeachment proceedings against Texas' Attorney General, Ken Paxton. The impeachment trial had been making headlines for weeks, with supporters and critics alike weighing in on the matter. However, it wasn't until the day of the trial that the intensity of the situation became palpable. As the hours ticked by, more and more people arrived, joining the throngs of protestors that had already gathered outside the Capitol building. The once-quiet scene erupted into a full-fledged revolt. The voices of the protestors rose into one crescendo, demanding justice and accountability for Paxton's alleged malfeasance of office. Signs and placards held high, the protestors showed their solidarity with the calls for impeachment and removal of the state's Attorney General. The energy and passion of the protestors were unwavering, as they took their voices to the streets, closing off traffic and making their presence known. Amidst the chaos and commotion, a sense of unity prevailed - a common goal that united people from different backgrounds and walks of life. The impeachments proceedings had sparked a fire, and the people of Texas were determined to see it through. They had come together, united in their belief that justice would eventually prevail. As the day wore on, the music played on, the speeches continued, and the fight for accountability and justice remained steadfast. In conclusion, what started as a quiet scene outside the State Capitol quickly turned into a historic moment of revolt. The passion and determination of the protestors were a clear indication of their commitment to justice and accountability. This moment served as a reminder that the true power of democracy rests with the people, and when they come together for a common goal, nothing is impossible.

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