Title: "Fulfilled by Failure: The Importance of Thwarted Succession" As human beings, we tend to fear failure. The mere thought of it can be crippling, causing us to shy away from taking risks or attempting anything outside of our comfort zones. But what if we told you that failure can actually be a key ingredient in achieving success? Today's Quotation of the Day, "Fulfilled by a Thwarted Succession," reminds us of the importance of experiencing setback and disappointment on the path to greatness. In many cases, it is precisely when we don't get what we want that we are forced to reevaluate our goals, strategies, and even our own selves. When a succession plan falls through or a promotion goes to someone else, we're forced to reckon with the possibility that we aren't as skilled or deserving as we thought. This can be tough to swallow, but it's also an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. By examining our shortcomings and identifying areas for improvement, we can build better skill sets, learn to communicate more effectively, and even hone our leadership abilities. Failure, in this sense, becomes a catalyst for personal and professional development. Moreover, thwarted succession can also help us recalibrate our priorities. Sometimes, when everything seems to be going according to plan, we lose sight of what really matters. The disappointment of a thwarted succession can help us re-center our focus on the things that truly make us happy and fulfilled, rather than the titles or salaries we thought we wanted. Of course, we're not suggesting that failure is enjoyable or easy. But by reframing our understanding of what it means to "succeed," we can transform setbacks into opportunities for growth, learning, and ultimately, triumph. As you navigate your own career path, remember the words of today's Quotation of the Day, and never underestimate the power of a thwarted succession. Quotation of the Day for Wednesday, May 31, 2023.