The New York Times published corrections on May 28, 2023. These corrections appeared in print and can be accessed through the link provided in the source article.

Title: The Dangers of Undefined Terms: Why Clarity is Key In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, communication has never been more important yet complex at the same time. One of the most common mistakes that people make is the use of undefined terms. Undefined terms can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and conflicts that can cause serious harm. In the realm of legal contracts, failing to define a term can result in a void agreement. In medicine, the use of undefined terms can lead to incorrect diagnosis or treatment. Even in everyday conversations, undefined terms can easily cause misinterpretation and frustration. It is crucial to remember that the onus of defining a term falls on the communicator, not the receiver. While you may assume that everyone knows what a term means, that may not always be the case. As the communicator, you must take ownership of the message and ensure that all terms are defined clearly and concisely. So how do you avoid undefined terms? First, take the time to define any term that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Use simple, concise language that is easy to understand. Make sure your definition is accurate and precise, leaving no room for interpretation. Additionally, it is important to clarify any ambiguity in your writing. Review your work with a critical eye, and be on the lookout for any statements that may be open to interpretation. Make revisions as necessary to ensure that your message is clear and unambiguous. In conclusion, undefined terms can be detrimental to effective communication. The responsibility of defining these terms lies with the communicator, who must ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the intended message. By taking the necessary steps to define terms accurately and avoid ambiguity, you can achieve clear and effective communication and avoid the dangers of undefined terms. Corrections that appeared in print on Sunday, May 28, 2023.

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