Title: Unlocking the Magic of Mozart's Die Zauberflöte at the Metropolitan Opera If you're a fan of Mozart's classic pieces, you'll definitely want to experience the magical sound world created by director Simon McBurney in his theatrical production of Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) at the Metropolitan Opera. With ringtones, bird tracks and a foley artist, the production proves to be a feast for both the eyes and ears. McBurney has masterfully enhanced the opera with his unique touch, turning the magic in the story into an immersive experience for the audience. The magic feels palpable, and you can't help but feel like you're transported to another world, one where the sound is elevated to an art form all by itself. The addition of ringtones - a modern-day feature - seems like an odd choice at first but soon becomes clear as you realize that it adds to the whimsical and playful atmosphere of the opera. The bird tracks and foley artist are equally impressive, providing an immersive audio experience that's hard to match. McBurney's Die Zauberflöte proves that the beauty of art is not lost with time. Even after hundreds of years, Mozart's piece remains a classic that can be given new life with the right vision and execution. Under McBurney's direction, Die Zauberflöte feels timeless, and the magic within is as strong as ever. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and check out this production at the Metropolitan Opera. It's an experience that's sure to last long in your memory and will leave you in awe of how well Mozart's music pairs with McBurney's artistic vision. Simon McBurney's production of Mozart's 'The Magic Flute' at the Metropolitan Opera features a world of enchanting sounds with ringtones, bird tracks and a Foley artist creating a magical experience. (Summary: 37 words)