Title: The Unfair Advantage Women With Brothers Have Growing up with brothers can be tough. You have to toughen up and learn to deal with the roughhousing, pranks, and constant teasing. But let's be real, ladies, having brothers has its advantages. So, if you're a woman who grew up with brothers, what's your "that's so unfair" moment? Was it when your brother got away with not doing household chores because "boys don't do that"? Or when he got to stay out past curfew because "he's a guy"? Or perhaps when he hogged the bathroom for hours leaving you with cold water to shower with? But let's focus on the positives, shall we? Growing up with brothers meant you always had someone to protect you, whether it was from bullies at school or creepy guys at the bar. And let's not forget the endless supply of guy friends who always had your back and made you feel part of the gang. Plus, having brothers prepared you for dealing with men in the workplace. You know how to hold your own, speak up with confidence, and navigate through the male-dominated corporate world. Oh, and let's not forget the endless sports games you were dragged to that gave you a deep understanding of every sport there is. So, the next time you feel like complaining about your "that's so unfair" moment, remember the advantages you gained from growing up with brothers. It's shaped you into the kick-ass woman you are today.