The article from NYT World titled "Will Erdogan Leave Office in 2028?" by Ben Hubbard and Safak Timur discusses the possibility of Turkish President Erdogan leaving office in 2028.

Title: Erdogan's Grip on Turkey: Will He Stay Beyond 2028? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's grip on power has been a source of controversy for several years now. After serving as the prime minister of Turkey for over a decade, Erdogan was elected as president in 2014. Since then, he has been accused of stifling dissent, cracking down on the media, and consolidating power within his own circle. But with the 2028 presidential elections approaching, the question on everyone's mind is: Will Erdogan leave office in 2028? Despite the fact that Turkey's constitution limits the presidency to two five-year terms, Erdogan's grip on power seems to be tightening, leading many to wonder if he will seek to extend his rule beyond the constitutional limit. To understand Erdogan's possible trajectory, we need to first look at his past behavior. Throughout his career, Erdogan has been known for his authoritarian streak. He has sought to consolidate power and silence his critics at every turn. To achieve this, Erdogan has purged civil society, arrested journalists, and suppressed protests. These actions, combined with his attempts to subvert Turkey's democratic institutions, have led many to label him a dictator. Furthermore, Erdogan has already managed to extend his rule beyond what Turkey's constitution originally allowed. In 2017, he passed a referendum that granted him sweeping new powers, effectively consolidating the presidency and eliminating the position of prime minister. This move raised concerns that Erdogan was laying the groundwork for indefinite rule. Considering all of this, it is highly likely that Erdogan will try to extend his rule beyond 2028. Erdogan has made it clear that he is determined to remain in power for as long as he can, and it seems that there are no legal or constitutional constraints that he is unwilling to bend or break in order to achieve this goal. Unless something drastic changes in the near future, it seems that Erdogan will continue to exert his authoritarian grip over Turkey for as long as he can. In conclusion, Erdogan's grip on power has already lasted well beyond what many thought possible. With the 2028 presidential elections coming up, the world is watching to see whether Erdogan will abide by Turkey's constitution and step down from office or whether he will once again seek to extend his rule. The future of Turkey hangs in the balance, and the world is watching to see what happens next.

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