Title: The Secret Castle Where Future Queens Drop the Royal Act Atlantis College, a 12th-century castle situated along the windswept coast of Wales, is more than just a school for teenagers. It's a secret haven for future queens to let their hair down and drop the royal act. At this exquisite location, teenage royalty from all over the world come together to learn about world peace and leadership. But what makes Atlantis College unique is the environment in which these lessons take place. No stuffy classrooms here, instead lessons are taught in the castle's grand hall, complete with suits of armor, medieval artwork, and impressive tapestries lining the walls. But what truly sets this school apart is its ability to allow young royals to let loose and escape the strict confines of their royal duties. With a team of dedicated staff, activities such as horse riding, surfing, and hiking are just some of the ways these future queens can learn about themselves and build lasting friendships. Atlantis College prides itself in providing a safe and inclusive environment for young women to discover their passions and character outside of their royal titles. Its unique location, impressive curriculum, and one-of-a-kind experiences make it a hidden gem for those seeking adventure and personal growth. So, if you happen to spot a group of royals, laughing and running around the grounds of a Welsh castle, know that they are not just princesses, but young women discovering their true selves at Atlantis College. At Atlantic College, a school in a 12th-century castle clinging to the windy Welsh coastline, teenage royals take classes on world peace.