Shareholders to vote on Illumina's board or activist investor's candidates on Thursday.

Title: Carl Icahn Fights for Control of Illumina – The Battle of Titans As the vote approaches, tension builds up between Carl Icahn and Illumina, a gene-sequencing company. The investors are to decide on Thursday on whether to support the current board or the candidates proposed by the notorious activist investor. The stakes are high and both parties are ready to go the extra mile to secure their position. Illumina has become a titan in the gene-sequencing industry over the years and their hard work has paid off with remarkable growth in sales and revenues. However, Icahn believes that the company can achieve even more and has been pushing for changes in the board. He believes that the current board is not doing enough to ensure that the company reaches its fullest potential. On the other hand, the current board argues that Icahn is not looking out for the best interests of the company but rather for his own financial gain. They believe that their strategies are working and that the company is on the right path to future success. The battle of titans has caught the attention of the business world as both sides release tense statements and reports defending their positions. The shareholders' decision on Thursday will have far-reaching consequences as it will determine the future direction of the company. As we wait for the shareholders' decision, it is important to note that the move by Icahn is not new, as he has been known to push for changes in boards of companies that he believes are underperforming. However, this time, he has set his sights on a company that is already a giant in its industry and the showdown between Icahn and Illumina is one that will go down in history. In conclusion, the stakes are high as we wait for the shareholders' decision on Thursday. The battle of titans between Icahn and Illumina has captured the attention of the business world, and both sides are ready to fight until the end. Will Icahn be successful in his bid for change or will Illumina emerge victorious? Only time will tell. Shareholders are set to vote on Thursday whether to back the gene-sequencing company's incumbent board or candidates named by the activist investor.

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