Title: Is 'The Idol' Really the Most Provocative Show of the Summer? As the new show 'The Idol' starts to gain a lot of media attention for its controversial content, many people are asking themselves whether it really lives up to the hype. The HBO show, which stars Lily-Rose Depp and The Weeknd, is set to be one of the most explicit and raunchy shows of the summer, according to its creators. But is it really as sleazy as they say? The show has been causing quite a stir at Cannes, with some critics labeling it as nothing more than softcore porn. However, according to the show's creator, Sam Levinson, this is not the case. In an interview with the New York Times, he stated that "If we were just a bunch of clouds in the sky, it wouldn't matter. But we're about to have the biggest show of the summer." So, what exactly is 'The Idol' all about? The show is centered around a successful pop star who is trying to navigate the pitfalls of fame and fortune. Along the way, she is involved in a number of explicit and sexually charged scenes, which have caused a lot of controversy. Some people believe that the show is little more than softcore porn, while others argue that it offers a raw and realistic depiction of what life is really like for young celebrities in the music industry. Regardless of what people think of the show, one thing is clear: it is generating a lot of buzz. Whether this will translate into high ratings remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure- 'The Idol' is definitely one of the most provocative shows of the summer. At Cannes, the sex-filled show is drawing plenty of controversy. That just means "we're about to have the biggest show of the summer," Sam Levinson says.