Pretrial hearings at Guantánamo Bay have not taken place for a year, pending the Biden administration's review of a proposed plea agreement. Despite unresolved issues, the hearings could resume in the Sept. 11 case.

Title: "The Ongoing Saga of the 9/11 Hearings: Why Justice Should Not Be Delayed Any Longer" The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 have been etched in the memories of Americans forever. The aftermath of these attacks has been no less dramatic with countless casualties and ongoing debates about how to bring the perpetrators to justice. Guantánamo Bay, a U.S. military base in Cuba, has been home to the detainment and trial of some of the suspects involved in the attacks. However, pretrial hearings at Guantánamo Bay have been halted for over a year, causing frustration and concern for Americans and the international community. According to a recent New York Times article by Carol Rosenberg, there has been a delay in the hearings due to a plea agreement proposed by the Biden administration. This delay has not been welcomed for two reasons: firstly, the proposed plea agreement has not been accepted yet, and secondly, there are concerns about the fairness of the trial due to various legal issues that remain unresolved. However, it is crucial to remind ourselves that justice delayed is justice denied. It is time for the United States to demonstrate a strong commitment to human rights and the rule of law by ensuring that the 9/11 hearings begin as soon as possible. These trials have already been delayed for far too long, causing pain and suffering for victims' families while providing little satisfactory progress towards justice. The Biden administration must move forward with a clear resolution to the legal issues that have stalled the pretrial hearings, thereby paving the way for the trials to begin. As Americans, we owe the victims, their families, and the world the assurance that justice will be served. To not do so sends a message that we are willing to compromise our values and principles, which is unacceptable. In conclusion, the delay in the 9/11 hearings at Guantánamo Bay has been a concerning issue. With unresolved legal issues and a proposed plea agreement yet to be ratified, the trial has hit a long impasse. However, justice must not be delayed any longer. The Biden administration must work towards resolving these issues as soon as possible to ensure that the 9/11 hearings can commence without any further delay. It is time for America to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to the rule of law and justice. No pretrial hearings have been held at Guantánamo Bay for a year while the Biden administration considers a proposed plea agreement.

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