Title: From Villain to Hero: How Phil Dunster Learned to Play Nice Thanks to 'Ted Lasso' Phil Dunster, the breakout star of hit television series 'Ted Lasso', has won hearts with his portrayal of cocksure footballer Jamie Tartt. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Dunster discussed how the show's writers helped him transform his character from villain to hero. Initially introduced as the team's biggest troublemaker, Tartt quickly became a fan favorite thanks to Dunster's performance and the show's clever writing. However, the actor admits that he initially struggled with the idea of playing such an unlikable character. Dunster credits much of Tartt's transformation to the show's lead character, played by Jason Sudeikis. "Ted Lasso is such a positive force," Dunster explains. "It's hard not to be affected by him." In working closely with the show's writers, Dunster gained a better understanding of Tartt's motivations and began to see him as more than just a one-dimensional antagonist. "They really opened my eyes to what he was going through," he says. "And it made me approach the character with more empathy." Ultimately, Dunster's performance as Tartt proves that even the most unlikable characters can win audiences over with the right approach. As he continues to receive critical acclaim for his work on 'Ted Lasso', Dunster is undoubtedly grateful for the opportunity to play such a nuanced and compelling character. In a world that can often feel overwhelmingly negative, 'Ted Lasso' and Dunster's portrayal of Jamie Tartt offer a much-needed reminder that even the most flawed individuals can learn to play nice. The charismatic English actor, who stars as the cocksure footballer Jamie Tartt, had to trust the writers to transform him from villain to hero.