Title: Inaction in the Midst of Crisis: New York Housing Chief Resigns Amid Homelessness Crisis New York City, the city that never sleeps, is facing an unprecedented homelessness crisis, with over 80,000 people sleeping in shelters, according to recent data. This crisis has led to the resignation of the city's top housing official, Jessica Katz, leaving many to question the Mayor's commitment to tackling the issue. Mayor Eric Adams recently opposed an effort to reduce homelessness by increasing the number of housing vouchers, a move that was met with criticism from advocates who believe that this is a crucial step towards addressing the problem. With Katz's resignation, it seems that the Mayor's lack of action on this issue may be partly to blame for the worsening situation. It is not enough for city officials to simply acknowledge the crisis and express concerns without taking meaningful action. Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multipronged approach and decisive action from the city government. The departure of Katz highlights the dire need for a comprehensive plan to address the crisis and a commitment from the Mayor to prioritize it. Furthermore, the homelessness crisis is not just a humanitarian issue, but also a public health and safety concern. It is unacceptable that in a city as prosperous as New York, so many individuals and families are forced to live in unstable and unsafe conditions. In conclusion, the resignation of New York City's top housing official in the midst of a homelessness crisis is a clear indication of the need for immediate action from the city government. Mayor Eric Adams must take the issue seriously and work towards implementing a comprehensive strategy to tackle the crisis. It is time for the city to come together and prioritize the needs of its most vulnerable citizens. A day after Mayor Eric Adams said he would oppose an effort to reduce homelessness by increasing the number of housing vouchers, his top housing official said she would step down.