Title: The Folly of Workplace Drug Tests Workplace drug tests have become increasingly common over the years, with many companies insisting that their employees undergo these tests in order to maintain workplace productivity and safety. However, with the legal acceptance of medical cannabis in over 38 states and the widespread availability of CBD, it's time to question the purpose and effectiveness of these tests. Contrary to popular belief, these drug tests are not always accurate and can often lead to false positives. Additionally, they can create a culture of distrust and paranoia among employees, ultimately harming workplace morale. Moreover, the practice of drug testing assumes that drug use is inherently bad and unproductive, ignoring the fact that many people use drugs responsibly and maintain successful careers. Punishing employees for the use of drugs outside of work hours is unnecessary, and as long as an employee is not impaired during work, it should have no bearing on their employment. The logistics of drug tests can also be burdensome and costly for both the employer and employee. Pre-employment drug tests can delay the hiring process, and random drug tests can create disruptions in an employee's day. In some cases, drug tests can even be used as a way for employers to intrude on the private lives of their employees, which is undoubtedly an overstep of personal boundaries. In conclusion, workplace drug tests have become an increasingly absurd and illogical practice in today's world. Rather than assuming that all drug use is bad, employers should focus on the outcome of employee performance and behavior rather than what they do outside of work. It's time for companies to realize the needless harm that drug tests create and to end this pointless practice once and for all. The author argues that workplace drug testing is becoming increasingly illogical given that medical cannabis is legal in 38 states and CBD is widely available. They believe that this practice is not only pointless but often harmful and should be put to an end. The article was published on May 18, 2023, in the New York Times Opinion section. ![]()