Martha Stewart, at 81 years old, appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated and looked amazing. She slayed on the cover, according to the article from BuzzFeed.

Title: Martha Stewart's Fitness Regimen: The Ultimate Guide to Crushing It at 81 We all want to be like Martha Stewart when we grow up: a business mogul, a domestic goddess, and now, a Sports Illustrated cover model? Yes, you read that right. Martha Stewart graced the cover of Sports Illustrated at the ripe old age of 81 and slayed. How does she do it, you ask? Well, sit back, grab a pen, and take notes because we're about to dive into Martha's fitness regimen. First and foremost, Martha starts her day at the crack of dawn with a grueling workout. She doesn't mess around with those wimpy 30-minute workouts either – oh no, Martha puts in a solid two hours every morning. And it's not just any workout, it's a combination of CrossFit, HIIT, and powerlifting. Because why settle for one type of workout when you can do them all? But it's not just about the physical for Martha – oh no, she's all about the mental game too. That's why she kicks off every morning with a 30-minute meditation session to get her mind right. And if that's not enough, she also takes a mid-day yoga break to reset and refocus. Now, we know what you're thinking: "But Martha, what about rest days?" Silly you, rest days are for mere mortals. Martha doesn't take rest days, she takes active recovery days. That's right, on her "rest" days, Martha still puts in a solid hour of light cardio followed by an hour of stretching and foam rolling. And let's not forget about the diet. Martha is a firm believer in the power of clean eating, but that doesn't mean she's one of those boring meal prep people. Oh no, Martha's meals are intricate and delicious. Think quinoa and kale salad with perfectly grilled salmon, followed by a decadent dark chocolate and avocado mousse for dessert. And of course, she never skips a meal – because that's just silly. So there you have it, folks. The ultimate guide to crushing it at 81, courtesy of Martha Stewart. Are you ready to take on the challenge and be the next Sports Illustrated cover model? We know we are.

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