"Growing up with brothers isn't for the weak" - BuzzFeed article explores the experiences of women who grew up with brothers and their "that's so unfair" moments.

Title: "Brothers: The Gift That Keeps Giving Unfair Moments" Growing up with brothers can sometimes be a pain in the neck. They steal your toys, eat your candy, and make you watch wrestling when all you want is to see the latest Barbie movie. But did you ever have that "That's so unfair" moment that still haunts you today? If you're a woman who grew up with brothers, then you know exactly what we mean. It could be the time when your brothers got to stay up late watching their favorite show while you were sent to bed early. Or maybe it was when they got to skip out on doing the dishes because they had a soccer game, but you still had to do them. The list goes on, and sisters all around the world have their own "unfair" moment. Personally, mine was when my brother got a new bike for his birthday, and I had to share it with him. The worst part was that I didn't even know how to ride a bike at the time, so I had to sit on the handlebars while he did all the pedaling. How unfair is that? But let's not forget all the other "gifts" that brothers give us, like constantly teasing us, stealing our phone chargers, and hogging the bathroom for hours. It's amazing how they can make our lives so much more burdensome, isn't it? All jokes aside, having brothers can be a blessing in disguise. They may drive us crazy, but they also have our backs when we need them the most. Plus, they can be pretty cool sometimes, like when they take us on a thrilling roller coaster ride or teach us how to play video games. So, to all the sisters out there who grew up with brothers, embrace the "That's so unfair" moments and cherish the memories, good or bad. After all, they make us who we are today.

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