"Growing up with brothers isn't for the weak." BuzzFeed article explores "That's So Unfair" moments for women who grew up with brothers.

Title: "Oh, the Joy of Growing Up with Brothers: My 'That's So Unfair' Moment" Growing up with brothers may seem like a fun adventure filled with pranks and jokes, but let's be honest, it can also be a nightmare. As a girl growing up with three brothers, I can confidently say that I have had my fair share of "That's so unfair" moments. One moment that still haunts me to this day was when we were out grocery shopping, and my brothers convinced my parents to buy their favorite snacks, but refused to buy mine. When I threw a fit and voiced my complaint, my brothers were quick to point out that since they were the ones who enjoyed the snacks, it made sense to get them. "That's so unfair," I remember thinking to myself. But of course, it didn't stop there. My brothers would constantly take over the TV remote and force me to watch yet another action-packed movie, even though we all knew they had been watching it nonstop for weeks. And who could forget those times when they would play their favorite video games all day and refuse to let me have a turn, even though I was just as good as they were? Sure, growing up with brothers can toughen you up and teach you how to stand up for yourself, but let's not forget about the countless "That's so unfair" moments that came with it. And to all the brothers out there, please keep in mind that sharing is caring - it won't kill you to let your sisters have a turn every once in a while.

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