Title: Brothers - The Ultimate Fairness Teachers Growing up with brothers is an experience like no other. You have someone to protect you when necessary, a confidant at all times, and of course, your personal teachers of what's fair and unfair. If you're a woman who grew up with brothers, you know what we're talking about. The constant "that's so unfair" moments. Like when your brother gets to stay up late, but you have to go to bed early because "you're the girl." Or when you have to help with the house chores, but your brothers can just relax all day because "they're boys." Isn't it just so charming to live in a gender-based society? But fear not, my dear sisters. Our brothers are merely trying to teach us about the injustices of life. They're just preparing us for the harsh realities of the world. It's not like they're getting any special treatment, or are treated differently because of their gender. Oh no, they're just lucky, that's all. Lucky to be able to do what they want, when they want, without any judgment. And let's not forget the countless times they got away with mischief that you didn't. Remember when they broke the vase, but you got scolded because "girls should be more careful with fragile things," even though you weren't even in the room? Or how about when you both did something wrong, but you got the blame because "girls should know better." It's no big deal, really. We should be grateful for their invaluable life lessons. Without the constant reminder of how unfair life can be, we might have grown up thinking that everything in life is just, and that everyone is treated equally. And who wants that kind of delusion, right? So, to all the brothers out there, thank you for teaching us about fairness and equality. We couldn't have done it without you. And to all the sisters out there, let's just be happy that our brothers are wise enough to show us the real world. *insert eye roll here*