Title: The Short Answer: No, DeSantis Does Not Need to Resign to Run for President As rumors swirl about Governor Ron DeSantis's potential presidential campaign, some have raised questions about whether he would need to resign from his current position to pursue his political aspirations. However, the short answer is no - DeSantis can run for president without stepping down as Florida's governor. There was a statute in place that required Florida elected officials to resign from their current position before running for federal office. However, state lawmakers modified the rule to allow DeSantis and other officeholders to remain in their current roles while seeking higher office. Critics argue that this change in the law gives DeSantis an unfair advantage in the presidential race, as he can use his current position to boost his national profile and advance his campaign. Supporters, however, point out that DeSantis has been a popular and effective governor in Florida and would be a strong contender for the presidency regardless of his current job title. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to resign from his governorship is up to DeSantis himself. However, the law is on his side should he choose to pursue his presidential ambitions without leaving his current position. In conclusion, the question of whether or not DeSantis needs to resign to run for president has a simple answer - no. The modified statute in Florida allows him to maintain his current position while seeking higher office, leaving the decision in his hands. Only time will tell if DeSantis chooses to make a run for the White House, but one thing is clear - he won't have to give up his seat as governor to do it. Florida has a statute that could have compelled Ron DeSantis to resign as governor to run for president, but state lawmakers adjusted the rules.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn't need to resign to run for President, according to an article by Nicholas Nehamas in the New York Times. Although Florida has a statute that could require him to resign, state lawmakers have changed the rules.
Share:Florida Governor Ron DeSantis doesn't need to resign to run for President, according to an article by Nicholas Nehamas in the New York Times. Although Florida has a statute that could require him to resign, state lawmakers have changed the rules.