BuzzFeed is asking people who have ever had unusual jobs how they made money and what their experience was like. The request for information is being made via a post on their website.

Title: "The Joys of Making Money through 'Unusual' Jobs" So, you've worked one of those "unusual" jobs before, huh? The kind of jobs that make people wonder if you're really living on the edge, or if you just have terrible life decisions. You know the ones - like being a professional ostrich rider, a unicorn caretaker, or even a clown at children's birthday parties. The question is, how did you even make money through such odd jobs in the first place? Maybe you had to swallow your pride and dress up in a chicken suit to attract customers to a fast-food joint. Or perhaps you had to dress up as a mascot to promote a product, with people running after you in the streets just to snap a selfie? But let's face it, working such jobs only means that you're a resourceful and adaptable person. You've got talents no one else has, like the ability to juggle knives or ride a unicycle effortlessly. And while it might not be the most comfortable experience in the world, it was an adventure to remember. All those long, quirky hours spent doing unusual things to get by - they make for the kind of stories worth telling your grandkids about. So, if you ever find yourself in an "unusual" job again, hold your head high, and remember that you're part of a rare breed of people - those that are willing to do whatever it takes to make a living. Embrace the weirdness, and wear it like a badge of honor, because your experience is a testament to the lengths that some people are willing to go to make ends meet. In conclusion, to those of you who have worked odd jobs before - keep doing what you're doing. You may not be rich, but you'll always have a unique story to tell. And to those of you who haven't - well, it's never too late to add a little quirkiness to your life. Who knows, you might just stumble upon your next adventure.

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