BuzzFeed asked people to reveal the film which left them speechless as the credits rolled. One person revealed they sat in silence for 30 minutes after the movie ended until one of them finally said, "Wow."

Title: "Popcorn Please: A Sarcastic Take on People's Stunned Silence During Movies" Are you one of those people who claim to have been 'stunned into silence' after a movie? Congratulations, you've made it to the club of people who think of themselves as movie critics. Just kidding, it's not like we care about your opinion. According to a post on BuzzFeed, a group of friends had nothing to say to each other after watching certain movies. They sat in silence for a good 30 minutes until someone finally said 'wow.' Wow, indeed. How inspiring it must have been to sit there for half an hour, basking in each other's silence. Did you guys even try to talk about the movie? Or did it just shatter your minds so much that you were unable to form sentences? Let me guess, the movie was probably some art-house indie flick with an ambiguous ending, one that is open to interpretation. Or was it a classic that you have only seen for the first time in your life, like The Godfather or Shawshank Redemption? Either way, we don't really care. We are just glad that you found something to be silent about. In a world where people seem to talk endlessly, it is refreshing to see someone exercise their right to be quiet. You guys are the real heroes. So, to all the people who have ever been stunned into silence after watching a movie, keep up the good work. We are sure your silence speaks volumes. In fact, it probably says more than any actual conversation ever could.

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