A medical clinic in Dnipro, Ukraine was hit by a missile, resulting in the death of one individual, according to Ukrainian officials.

Title: Missile Attack on Medical Clinic in Dnipro: A Senseless Act of Terror On May 26, 2023, a horrifying tragedy struck the people of Dnipro, Ukraine when a missile hit a medical clinic, claiming the life of at least one person. According to Ukrainian officials, this sickening act of violence was carried out by forces from Russia. This senseless and heinous attack on a medical facility, where vulnerable patients were seeking treatment and care, is an outright act of terror that is condemned by all civilised nations. It is despicable and unacceptable that a nation would choose to attack innocent citizens and medical professionals engaged in life-saving work. It is even more shameful that the assailants chose to target a medical clinic that saves lives and helps the sick. The immediate and long-term impact of such an attack is immeasurable. The injured will require intensive medical care and support for a very long time, and the community will suffer the trauma and loss brought about by this senseless act of terrorism. It is time for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and send a loud and clear message that terrorism, in any form, is intolerable and will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. We extend our deepest condolences to the people of Ukraine and the victims' families and urge all nations worldwide to unite in unequivocal condemnation of such cowardly acts of terrorism. The world cannot afford to stand by as innocent lives are taken and communities are destroyed by violence and terror. It's high time for the world to come together and unite against terrorism.

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