A man has been charged for pushing a woman's head against a moving subway train, in what appeared to be a random attack, causing distress amongst New Yorkers who are already apprehensive about using the mass-transit system.

Title: Unacceptable: Man Shoves Woman's Head Against Moving Subway Train In a horrifying incident that has left New Yorkers shaken, a man has been charged with shoving a woman's head against a moving subway train. The attack, which took place in Manhattan, is a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk within our mass-transit system. The victim, who has not been identified, was waiting for a train at the station when she was suddenly attacked by the perpetrator. He allegedly shoved her head into the moving train, causing her serious injuries. The attack was completely unprovoked, and the victim had no opportunity to defend herself. This kind of crime is unacceptable and has made many New Yorkers wary of using the subway. We rely on the mass-transit system to commute to work, visit loved ones, and explore the city. It is unacceptable that someone can be attacked in such a brutal manner while simply waiting for a train. We call on authorities to take swift action against the perpetrator and to do everything possible to keep our mass-transit system safe. The people of New York deserve to feel secure while using public transportation, and it is the responsibility of those in charge to ensure that this is the case. Let us stand together as New Yorkers and demand that our city be a safe place to live, work, and commute. Acts of violence such as this cannot be tolerated, and we must do everything in our power to prevent them from happening again. The apparently random attack was an unsettling example of the kind of crime that has made some New Yorkers wary of the mass-transit system.

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