Title: Japan's Sexual Harassment Problem: The Case of Ella and Her Professor Japan's complex relationship with authority and sexuality has been highlighted yet again in the recent case of Ella, a graduate student who accused her art history professor of sexual harassment. Despite Ella's brave testimony, the professor's wife brought a counter-lawsuit against Ella, resulting in a victory for the professor's family. This case sheds light on a much larger issue in Japan: the use of authority as a tool for sexual coercion. It is a deeply ingrained problem that continues to plague society, with victims often suffering in silence due to fears of retribution or societal stigmatization. What is needed is a cultural shift that challenges the notion that authority figures can use their power for personal gain. Institutions must also be held accountable for not taking adequate measures to combat and prevent sexual harassment. The solution begins with education and open dialogue about the issue. It is time for Japan to take this issue seriously and create a safe environment for all individuals, regardless of their position or gender. The case of Ella and her professor is just one example of the pervasive problem of sexual harassment in Japan, but it can serve as a call to action for change. El caso de una estudiante de posgrado y su profesor de historia del arte ilustra el panorama confuso que tiene Japón sobre el uso de la autoridad como herramienta de coerción para fines sexuales. ![]()